Bring your holiday dreams to life

Holiday Lighting Services


It all begins with an idea. HvH will work with you no matter where you are in the process. If you have a brilliant scheme that just needs a professional touch to bring into reality we are there for you. No idea where to start? No problem! We can design a lighting installation to match any budget


Safety is always our number one priority. We want everyone to go home to their families at the end of the day, so we follow rigorous safety protocols. This applies equally to all CDC guidelines.


After the design work is done, let our team of skilled installers take over the heavy lifting. We’ll create a neat, picture perfect install for you, and save you all the work of climbing up and down ladders.


Custom Builds

Have something extravagant in mind? HvH is here to help. We can build custom LED pieces, program a personalized light show, or pretty much anything else you can dream up. We love big ideas!


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.